Preparing for Your First Term

This section highlights key information about your EMBA Cohort, important dates, and academic policies that are helpful in getting ready for your first Term.

As you make plans for Term 1, please keep in mind the following:

  • Core courses are held in the first three Terms of the EMBA Program. Each Term consists of four on-campus Blocks (Blocks 1-4) and a one week Field Immersion per Term.
  • The Term 1 Field Immersion, Leadership Communication, launches Term 1 in August. All other Field Immersions take place at the end of the Term. 
  • Attendance is mandatory for all core courses (this includes field immersions) and exams. As an accelerated program, students are expected to attend all academic sessions (exceptions may be made for personal or family emergencies, subject to approval of the faculty and the Program Office).
  • Please familiarize yourself with the academic calendar in order to avoid conflicts and contact Diego Merino ( as soon as possible if you have any questions or concerns about attendance.
  • Your first Field Immersion is Leadership Communication (XMBA200C) which will be held at Chaminade Resort & Spa in Santa Cruz. The Field Immersion begins on Tuesday evening, August 5 with a Welcome Reception and runs through Saturday, August 9 at 5:00 pm. Students will explore the vital link between leadership and communication. They will increase self-confidence when speaking, learn how to think fast and clear under pressure, use voice and body effectively, and learn to be deep and brief with their content. Full attendance for all Field Immersions is required. The only excused absences are for personal or family medical emergencies. Should an emergency arise, please let Kirsten Berzon ( know as soon as possible.

Student Handbook

In the Student Handbook you will find EMBA policies and procedures related to Academics, Field Immersions, Student Experience and more. Questions? Contact Elizabeth Stanners (

Your Cohort

Your MBA class will comprise ~70 students. You will attend lectures with your cohort throughout the entire core curriculum - Terms 1, 2, and 3. Within each cohort, you're divided into ~5-person Core Academic Teams (study teams). Most core courses will have one or more assignments you must complete in these teams.

Your Core Academic Team Assignment

You will be notified of your Core Academic Team assignment during Block 1 in your first Teams@Haas session.

Attendance is mandatory, therefore we strongly encourage you not to make outside commitments for Term 1.