University Requirements

As a UC Berkeley graduate student, you are joining the larger UC Berkeley campus community. Please review and complete all three mandatory actions detailed below:

1) Read the University's Code of Conduct

As a student at UC Berkeley, you will be expected to comply with University rules and policies detailed in the UC Berkeley Code of Conduct (PDF). Please read this document carefully.

You will be asked to confirm that you have read the Code of Conduct when you complete your New Student Survey to be sent after you have submitted your deposit.

We expect you to maintain high standards of integrity in your academic work and conduct while you are a Berkeley Haas student.

Key Points from the University's Code of Conduct:

  • All work you turn in to an instructor must be undertaken by you and you alone. Joint work is permitted only when the conditions for that joint work have been clearly established between the students and the instructor.
  • All work will be the product of new research undertaken by students for the purpose of the designated course. Exceptions are allowed only with a prior agreement between student and instructor.
  • In cases of blatant academic dishonesty (see below), a faculty member will assign to the student a final course grade of "F" and recommend to the Center of Student Conduct and Community Standards a one-semester suspension. Blatant academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
    • Arranging for another student to take an exam, or taking another student's exam.
    • Plagiarizing by including, without proper citation, more than 50 words composed by someone else.
    • Submitting an exam answer that is virtually verbatim to that of another student, or willfully allowing other students to copy one's own exam answers.
    • Communicating with another student or using a resource (e.g., the Internet) when taking an in-class or take-home exam, where the instructor has explicitly stated in writing that such communication or resource usage is impermissible.

If you have any questions about the University's Code of Conduct, please contact the EMBA Program Office.

2) Complete Mandatory Prevention Education for Sexual Violence/Sexual Harassment

At UC Berkeley, we are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and welcoming community. Students, faculty and staff all play a role in supporting a campus environment where all persons are free from sexual violence, assault and harassment.

As an incoming UC Berkeley graduate student, you are required to complete BOTH parts of the sexual violence/sexual harassment prevention education training.

  1. Online Training; You'll receive an email from CampusClarity with a link to the required online training.
  2. In-Person Training; Will be conducted by the EMBA Program Office, date & time TBA. This training will either be held remote or during a time you will already be on campus. No additional travel is required. 

The deadline for Fall 2025 will be posted in Spring. Please check back then for specific due dates.

3) Complete UC Immunization Requirement

To ensure a healthy campus environment, UC Berkeley requires all incoming students to show immunity from certain diseases and complete a Tuberculosis (TB) screening questionnaire. You will be blocked from enrolling for spring courses if you do not complete the UC Immunization requirement.

The deadline for Fall 2025 will be posted in Spring. Please check back then for specific due dates.

Visit the University Health Services website to learn more and complete the UC Immunization Requirement.